NI Charolais Club – Spring Show & Sale – Friday 25th April 2025 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Address *Postcode *Contact Number *Email * Please use the + icon to add more rows for multiple entries Name of Animal *Ear Tag Number *SexBullFemaleDOBAdditional Comments Add Remove Herd Number *Herd Prefix * Number Additional Animal Are you willing to take animal(s) home for DAERA required time to export test if bought by an ROI buyer? *YesNoTerms & Condtions *NO ENTRY WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY ENTRY FEE AND A FULLY COMPLETED CHAROLAIS HERD HEALTH DECLARATION FORM. BULLS, FEMALES, AND CALVES AT FOOT MUST BE AT LEAST SIRE-VERIFIED VIA DNA ANALYSIS AND TESTED FOR BOTH THE F94L AND Q204X MYOSTATIN GENES. DNA ANALYSIS MUST BE EITHER COMPLETE, OR ALREADY IN PROGRESS AT THE LAB BEFORE ENTRY INTO THE SALE CAN BE ACCEPTED.PLEASE TICK BOX TO CONFIRM THAT THE CHAROLAIS CATTLE YOU ARE ENTERING INTO THE SALE ARE FROM A CHECS BVD ACCREDITED HERD, OR ARE BVD ANTIGEN TESTEDI consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry. By submitting this form you are certifying that the information is correct as at the date of submission and permit the BCCS to verify the details with the relevant CHeCS Health Scheme. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information rests solely with the breeder and not with the British Charolais Cattle Society. If the herd is not CHeCS accredited for BVD a BVD Antigen Blood Test MUST be taken and a copy of the certificate MUST be taken to the sale and given to the auctioneers.Submit